Participant Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Welcome to Life Career! Our goal is to create an environment where participants can learn, grow, and have fun. To achieve this, we ask all participants to follow our code of conduct.


Respect for Others

  • Treat all participants, staff, and volunteers with kindness and respect.
  • Listen when others are speaking and wait your turn to talk.
  • Use polite and positive language; avoid name-calling, cursing, teasing, or bullying.



  • Embrace diversity and be inclusive of everyone regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality, ability, or any other characteristic.
  • Make an effort to include everyone in activities and conversations.


Safety First

  • Follow all safety guidelines and instructions given by program staff.
  • Report any unsafe behavior or conditions to a staff member immediately.
  • Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself to avoid causing harm to others.



  • Take responsibility for your own actions and behavior.
  • Be punctual and attend all scheduled activities unless excused by a staff member.
  • Take care of program materials and property, and clean up after yourself.


Honesty and Integrity

  • Be honest in your interactions with others.
  • Do not engage in or condone lying, stealing, or cheating.


Participation and Engagement

  • Actively participate in all activities and show a willingness to try new things.
  • Give your best effort and encourage others to do the same.


Use of Technology

  • Use phones, tablets, and other electronic devices only during designated times and in accordance with program rules.
  • Do not use technology to bully, harass, or exclude others.
  • Only use devices/equipment that you have been instructed or given permission to use.


Conflict Resolution

  • Address conflicts calmly and respectfully.
  • Seek assistance from a staff member if you are unable to resolve a conflict on your own.


Substance-Free Environment

  • Do not bring or use alcohol, drugs, or tobacco products at any program activities or locations.
  • Report any violations of this rule to a staff member immediately.


Attendance and Dress Code

  • Commit to attending all scheduled sessions and activities. If you cannot attend, inform a staff member as soon as possible.
  • Wear appropriate clothing that is respectful and suitable for the activities you will be participating in. Avoid clothing with offensive language, images, or that is overly revealing.


Environmental Responsibility

  • Respect the facilities and environment by keeping areas clean and disposing of trash properly.
  • Recycle when possible and be mindful of conserving resources.


Privacy and Confidentiality

  • Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information about other participants without their consent.
  • Keep any sensitive or confidential information shared during the program private.


Participation Agreement

By participating in Life Career, Inc. activities you agree to abide by this code of conduct. Let’s work together to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone!